6 Mar 2016

Gut Health Education

I ask you to take charge of your life and really look at just how much your current diet could be harmful to you!

So so much about gut health flows via my Facebook newsfeed daily that I started doing my own little bit of research. In most cases, poor gut health can be trigged by Antibiotics, a diet high in refind white sugar and processed foods, diet low in fibre and so on. Pay attention to the labels on your food the next week, you'll be surprised how many of those foods contain sugar (Sugar is in many packets of BACON!! Did you know that?)

There's over 60 names for sugar on nutritional labels in Australia 

Whilst sugar is naturally occuring in many foods, manufacturers also add sugar to many processed foods (LIKE BACON!!! WUT?!) It's important to know what to look for when reading nutrition labels to know exactly how much sugar you're consuming. Sugar is often disguised as a "healthy" ingredient such as honey, rice syrup or juice concentrates. These may sound like health alternatives, however your body doesn't care what the label says, in the end it's all sugar!

Plexus Slim® is the most-natural, healthy solution to help you lose weight and inches by burning fat, not muscle. Plexus Slim® also helps keep blood sugar, cholesterol and lipids at healthy levels.

A Sugar Free Weight Loss Option? Yes please!
The Mechanics of Weight Loss:
The body naturally stores fat. The most common areas are the stomach, thighs and buttocks. These excess fat stores contain toxins that cause havoc with our immune system. When used as part of a daily hydration regimen (1 stick pack per day), Plexus Slim® promotes: 
Loss of weight and inches by burning fat, not muscle*
Healthy blood sugar levels* Healthy cholesterol and lipid levels*
Healthy willpower over food choices*

Plexus Slim® is: Safe, and non-thermogenic Diabetic Friendly

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