10 Jul 2016

Meal Plan Monday - Week 1!

Along with my change of smoker status, I've also decided that while the Plexus products are amazing at helping me lose weight, I need to admit that I'm not helping myself and I need to eat better and exercise!  NO MORE EXCUSES!

By doing this, I'm simply cheating myself and my family of a healthier life, a longer life and I'm DONE with the negative self talk bullshit I've fed myself for 37 years.

So with that said, I introduce to you something that's not in the slightest bit original, probably done a million times, by a million different people, but this is what I'M doing for me, not for you - the information is there if you want it. Here's my newest blog rotation

Meal Plan Monday!

*insert one person clapping in a crowd of thousands of silent people, eye rolling at the thought of another Meal Plan Blog*

This week's meal plan for my family - Beginning Monday 11th July.  I've only included dinners for now.

Monday - Tex Mex Taco Salad 

Tuesday - Maple Glazed Chicken - Substituting Pure Maple for Sugar Free Maple Syrup

Wednesday - Spring Rolls
My Recipe

Thursday - Beef Chimichangas
Recipe from Eating Well

Friday - Low Carb Orange Chicken and Broccoli 

Saturday Thai Beef Salad
Recipe from Shape.com

Sunday Marry Me Chicken with Cauliflower mash.

From Delish

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